Adding Data Request Forms with a shortcode

Complianz (version 6.2 and upwards) offers the possibility to insert Data Request Forms in your Legal Documents, allowing users/data subjects to submit requests concerning the data you process about them. With the feature enabled, data requests submitted by visitors will appear under Complianz > Data Requests, where they can be centrally managed.

To learn more about the most common types of data requests and how to respond to such requests, please refer to our earlier article on the subject.

While the Data Request Form is automatically inserted into your Privacy Statement document, the need may arise to display the form elsewhere on your site. This is done with the [[cmplz-data-request]] shortcode.

Enabling Data Requests in Complianz

Ensure that you have the Data Requests feature enabled in Complianz. This setting is located under Complianz > Wizard > General > Security & Consent.

Adding a Data Request Form with the shortcode

You can insert the Data Request Form on any other page of your website, by using the [[cmplz-data-request]] shortcode.

This shortcode additionally supports the region="" parameter, allowing you to specify a region for data requests submitted using that form.

For example: data requests submitted with a form using the shortcode [[cmplz-data-request region="eu"]] will be attributed to the European Union.

Styling the Data Request Forms

By default, Data Request Forms use the CSS/styles defined in the theme of your website. You can change the appearance of your forms with CSS as well.

Please refer to our earlier article, “Styling the Data Request Forms," which provides CSS you can apply to adjust the styling of these forms.


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