Blocking reCaptcha & Editing the Placeholder

As discussed in our detailed article, reCaptcha clearly requires the visitor’s consent before it can be loaded. As there are many different use cases and implementation of Recaptcha, the Complianz wizard will explicitly ask you whether you want to block reCaptcha before consent. Complianz is integrated with many possible reCaptcha implementations, but as reCaptcha errors can prevent site visitors from submitting a contact form, it is wise to doublecheck your implementation. Alternatively you could consider privacy-friendly alternatives like a honeypot.

If you don’t block reCaptcha, please read our article on why we block ReCAPTCHA. If you want to block reCaptcha, please follow the instructions below.

Specific form implementations

Please refer to these articles for in-depth instructions per contact form plugin:


Check and edit the placeholder

If you enabled reCaptcha to be blocked. Please check if the placeholder looks like the below image.

recaptcha placeholder
Example reCaptcha Placeholder


1. Edit the placeholder with CSS

If the placeholder is visible and your willing to add some custom CSS to your theme. You can use the following classes to fix the placeholder:


2. Filter the placeholder and use HTML:

You can also choose to delete the placeholder with a filter and use an HTML field. To delete the placeholder before adding the HTML field to your form, you can add the following filter in an MU Plugin or your theme’s functions.php:


Or with CSS:


Now you can add the HTML field in your contact form. Add the HTML field as the last field and add the below HTML. You can choose to remove the last DIV if you don’t want to link to the Cookie Policy. Custom CSS might be needed to make the text appear as you wish.

The result

The result. An HTML placeholder which fits nicely in your forms.

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Complianz has received its Google CMP Certification to conform to requirements for publishers using Google advertising products.