TTDSG, the New Cookie Law for Germany

As of December 1st, 2021 the Telecommunications-Telemedia Data Protection Act (Telekommunikation-Telemedien-Datenschutz-Gesetz) regulates the handling of cookies, local storage, cookieless tracking,  and other tracking technologies in German law.

With this new TTDSG law, Germany (finally) implemented the ePrivacy Directive from 2009:

“Die Speicherung von Informationen in der Endeinrichtung des Endnutzers oder der Zugriff auf Informationen, die bereits in der Endeinrichtung gespeichert sind, sind nur zulässig, wenn der Endnutzer auf der Grundlage von klaren und umfassenden Informationen eingewilligt hat. Die Information des Endnutzers und die Einwilligung haben gemäß der Verordnung (EU) 2016/679 zu erfolgen.”

No action required for TTDSG

For website operators who already use Complianz, nothing will change. Years ago the cookie banner of Complianz was the first free WordPress plugin to meet the requirements already known since 2009. This is why for visitors from the EU, Complianz already blocked the use of Google MapsGoogle reCAPTCHA and many other services, and replaced them with placeholders until consent has been given by website visitors. And this is also why we have offered the possibility to explicitly ask consent per purpose years before the Planet49 ruling, and have therefore not supported forbidden ways of assuming consent, such as consent on scroll, or getting consent by forcing visitors with the use of a non-soft cookie wall.

No action is required.


Join 1M+ users and install The Privacy Suite for WordPress locally, automated or fully customized, and access our awesome support if you need any help!

Complianz has received its Google CMP Certification to conform to requirements for publishers using Google advertising products.